I even put on some lashes and I was totally feeling myself. I don't know what it is about lashes that just make me feel super glam. I really like the way they change up my look but there are such a pain to put on. I have no idea how people manage to put on lashes on-screen. It took me 5464647 minutes to put it on and it is always such a struggle. I think I am getting a little bit better each time and maybe one day I would be able to fix them within a minute #wishfulthinking.

When I finished my makeup, I thought I may as well take photos of my look. I find that I have very few pictures of myself because I keep taking pictures of other people, objects and places and I forget myself. Sometimes, I give my camera to other people to take my photos but most times I have to take it myself. I actually prefer to take my selfies myself because I know my flattering angles and it's easier for me. I also feel I am hassling people when I ask them to take my photos! Oh well!! Anyways, I hope you have an amazing weekend and bank holiday weekend if you live in the UK. I will see you in my next post.
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