Sharing the Love- My Favourite Bloggers #1

As a blogger, I am inspired by many beauty bloggers out there and some of them are people I have come to know and have a chat with every now and then. That's the beauty of the blogging community. You learn from each other, encourage each other and be there for one another. I have compiled a list of some of my favourite bloggers who I always feel excited and experience tiny little heart leaps when they upload/publish a new blog post. I follow a lot of blogs and I have lost count but I wanted to share some of my absolute favourites on here.

Brown Eyed Booty: First off, how witty is this blog name? I love it. Mariene is such a lovely girl and I know this because I have known her for many, many years. We are constantly chatting about the joys and pains of blogging, our relationships and so many other things!!. It's always amazing to have someone to talk to about your blog because not everyone understands and I am so lucky that we have each other. On her blog, you can find lovely posts on Beauty, Skincare (she has amazing skin) and Lifestyle Posts. It would be lovely if you followed her on Bloglovin and Instagram

TiloLovesVanilla: I honestly cannot remember how I stumbled upon her blog but I have a feeling it may have been from a comment or so. When I checked out her blog, I instantly loved it and felt like I knew her. Her blog is seriously amazing with lovely photos and interesting write-ups about beauty products that make me want to buy all of them. Mostly, she is my friend and we chat on Whatsapp every now and then which is always a good one. She recently came to London and we met up for a short time but it was so worth it. If I had a younger sister, I think she would behave like TiLo because we just get each other. You can also find her on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram
Paula from ThirteenThoughts: I am pretty sure I stumbled upon Paula’s blog from Glipho and I was always stunned by her photos which seriously leaves me drooling every single time. Apart from her photography, I love her write-ups because they are straight to the point and very honest. I think I fell in love with her blog when she talked about her acne and I felt the connection like we were kindred spirits. She and TiLo actually encouraged me to start filming YouTube videos again and I remain grateful for that (I have some new videos coming up soon..I promise). You can catch up with her on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram

Magpie Jasmine: Again, I am not sure how I stumbled upon her blog but I think it may have been through the comments section as well. I absolutely love her blog posts and she is very regular with her schedule. I feel like any product she reviews is worth trying out. Apart from all these, I am mostly proud of how she has her own voice and is not afraid to write about whatever she wants on her blog. I know many bloggers (old and new) never really want to put their opinions out there for fear of being judged...but not her and I love that about her. It has been lovely to see how her blog has grown which is all down to her hard work and her engagement with her readers really well. Catch up with more of her posts via Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram

The Blog of one Balgarka: I am actually going to give up trying to remember how I met all these wonderful bloggers. I think I may have met Lubka either through the comment section or through Instagram. I really love how beautiful her blog design is but you won’t expect less from a Web and Graphic Designer which is her profession. Her blog posts are always very honest and not swayed by anything or anyone. I particularly love her fashion and lifestyle posts with her fiancée which shows her personality too!. I also love how she makes her opinion known without trampling on other people’s feelings and I think that makes her really endearing in her posts. You can catch up with her here on  Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram
The Pursuit of Ivy George: I love Ivy’s blog style and writing. You can tell she has a great sense of style and elegance about her and I love it. Her blog features many aspects to it including travel, beauty, fashion and lifestyle which I particularly like because I also love to see what other people do. I have a feeling she is soft spoken because she looks like she is although I have never spoken to her. You can tell she is very grounded just by the way she writes and I love her writing style a lot. Check out her other links on  Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram.

Hello Jaa: I only recently stumbled upon her blog and it left me completely drooling and astonished. No, seriously check out her photos; they look absolutely stunning. Hello Jaa is a bilingual blog which I think is such an interesting concept. Her posts are in English and Thai and they are so professional, well written and straight to the point. I don't know her personally yet but I think she will make a lovely blogging friend. You can catch up with her on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram. I follow so many blogs which I love so expect more of these posts. The next instalment will be my favourite Nigerian Blogs so stay tuned for that...xx


  1. Oh Liv! Thank you so much for including me! I am truly humbled and honored considering there are so many great blogs on the list! I guess my posts are straight to the point because I am not very good at chitchatting. Haha.

    I'd love to be your blogging friend! Hugs!

    1. You are so sweet!! Thank you for stopping over and your blog is truly amazing!! I love how your posts are truly straight to the point and mostly I think you are an amazing writer!!! Don't even get me started on your photography!! *inserts heart eyed emoji*...xx

    2. ....and a big Yes to being blogging friends....Hi 5...xx

  2. Yaaaay! Been dying to add new blogs to my reading list. Already checked out Jaa's...her pictures are truly amazing!

    Great Post!

    1. Awww thanks a lot for stopping by!! I am going to feature my favourite Nigerian blogs soon so more blogs to follow...and yes Hello Jaa's pictures make me want to improve my photos even more...xx

  3. Aww thanks so much for such kind words Love! It was Glipho through which we first followed each other hehe :) I already follow a few of the blogs you mentioned, and I'm excited to check out the rest. So sweet of you to share the love ;) .

    1. You are so welcome sweety!! Do you know it's been a long while since I posted last on Glipho? Hehehehe but I need to get back to posting on there...Thanks a lot for your lovely words!!!...xx

  4. Liv. you're a truly amazing bloggers and friend. This is what the blogging community is - supporting each other!
    The same reason, I'm putting so much efforts now in my latest project with fellow bloggers.
    Thank you so much for the lovely words - made me blush, and I will try to post more of my lifestyle posts again.
    I'll check out the rest of the fabulous bloggers from your list of favourites :))

    1. Awwww you are so lovely Lu and thanks a lot for your kind words; it means a lot to me. We bloggers need to support each other every single time as we are in this together!! I look forward to more lifestyle posts from you and your exciting blogger projects...xx

  5. Thank you Liv again for the support! I really appreciate the lovely words you have said about my blog -so nice of you.
    It's also so nice to know that I am someones favourite out there! <3

    Love, Ivy George x

    1. Don't mention darlyn; I think your blog is amazing and I am always pleased when you upload a new post...xx

  6. Thank you so much for including me and your kind words! <3 You know I totally love your blog too! I'll definitely be checking out the others you mentioned :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine

    1. Awww thanks a lot Jasmine..your blog is really amazing and you have been seriously enabling me with many purchases...hahahaha...xx

  7. Almost shad a tear there. Thank you, lovely! :-))) Being an only child and all, it always gets me when someone uses 'sister' and me in the same sentence. :') I'm really looking forward to your upcoming videos! ^_^ xx

    1. Awwww babe!! You know you are my sister any day any time (*insets Big Squishy Hug) and I am loving frequent video uploads these days...xx

  8. ahhh new blogs to check out... I love Paula's blog.. i visit literally everyday haha! :)

    1. I totally agree that Paul's Blog is fantastic!! I am glad you have new blogs to check out....I would be doing a Nigerian one soon so stay tuned...xx


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