Hey My Lovelies,
I hope your Christmas Holidays have been fab. Mine has been wonderful and I have totally rested really well because i don't think I have had a proper holiday and these past weeks have been so very busy. Would you believe how late I am putting up this post? I actually went for this meetup earlier in December!! Precisely on the 3rd December *gasps* and I am a bit late in posting this but it's better late than never. I was glad to be able to book a place at the meetup (it was free) but there were limited places so i promptly sent an email and received confirmation of my place.

The meetup was organised by Kiehl's with Vivianna from ViviannadoesMakeup and Lily from Lily Pebbles who have really wonderful blogs here in the UK. It was a free meetup which was booked by sending an email to the organisers although they were limited spaces so there were two sessions; one from 7-8pm and 8pm-9pm and it was held in the first Kiehl's Flagship Store on Monmouth Street Central London.

Being the early bird (and excited at my first meetup...don't judge me!!), i got there almost an hour before it started. I envisaged some crazy peak time traffic from work but there was none. I met Anna and Lily on their way in as well..yeah, i know..who even arrives before the hostesses?*deep sigh* and we had a little chat before they went in to the store to prepare for the event. They are really nice and friendly.

So, I decided to wander and take some pictures. I even had the nerve to forget my batteries for my camera so I am afraid you have to make do with my iPhone photos which are not too bad. I decided to take a little stroll and appreciate the awesomeness of Covent Garden.All the christmas decor really made Covent Garden look really magical. I was tempted to go into Space NK and Shu Uemura but I held my peace. I sauntered into Hotel Chocolat to redeem a free Christmas Cracker I received courtesy of O2 Priority Moments. If you are in the UK and use O2, always check out their Priority Moments because they always have amazing freebies.

Shortly before 7pm, I strolled back and got into the queue which was fast building up. By 7pm sharp, the doors were open to us and we were given a really warm reception by the Kiehl's staff who were very nice, friendly and ready to answer questions. More importantly, we were welcomed with the nicest canapes Ever!! I can't even remember all their names but their taste and rich flavour stuck in my head till now..nom nom!! All this was topped off with the most refreshing drinks!!

Honestly, the Canapes were really sumptuous and more and more kept coming our way and i have to say the waitresses and hostesses did an amazing job of ensuring we were well fed and comfy. I wandered around the store which was really cosy and well laid out. There were different sections for men and women beauty and skincare products.

I got a skincare consultation with one of the white lab coat clad Kiehl's skincare consultants who clarified that I indeed had Normal to Combination skin..who would have thought? He used a small paper device/applicator (is that even the right word though?) which he lightly brushed against my T-zones which are usually the oiliest part of my face and truly the paper read that i had normal to combination skin and there I was prancing about saying I had combination to oily skin..it felt like an Aha! moment!!

He proceeded to recommend a full skincare range from the Kiehl's skin care range that was suitable for my problem areas which are dark pigmentation from Acne and slightly enlarged pores. One product which he recommended and which I thought stood out for me was the Kiehl's Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution which he said was very efficacious.

I should have bought it at the time because there were also offering 20% discount across the whole range. However, he kindly gave me really nice samples of all the products which he recommended...a skincare consultant after my heart for real!!

Next, there was a speech from the regional director of London Kiehl's (I am pretty sure that's not his right title) and he gave us all a small brief history of Kiehl's which originates from the USA and actually started as a Pharmacy/Chemist and although they have evolved, most of their skincare is still based on science of a pharmaceutical background. He also told us that particular store was the first ever Kiehl's Store in London. Little wonder it had that cosy vintage feel to it.

He handed us over to Lily and Vivianna who gave us a low down of their favourite products from the Kiehl's range and also the new Christmas range. It was lovely listening to them and you could tell they were really passionate about skincare and beauty products. The product which really stood out for me is the Kiehl's Soy Milk and Honey Whipped Body Butter. Honestly, it is the bomb.com and I absolutely love how soft, buttery and moisturising it feels. It smells too amazing and I just feel like licking it as it reminds me of whipped butter and sugar which my sister mixes before she starts her baking shenanigans to which I am always on standby to lick the bowl..hehehehe.

We all had a lovely chat afterwards and networked with all the other lovely guests while being served with more canapes and drinks. We were absolutely spoilt and we had a chance to take pictures with Lily and Anna with a Polaroid Camera courtesy of the Kiehl's team which I think was really amazing as it was a lovely memento to have to remember a really nice meetup.

I have no idea why my eyes were closed in the picture so totally ignore it (and me) and concentrate on how pretty Lily and Anna looked and Yes, I am that

Soon, it was 8pm and it was time to go but not before we were handed put goodie bags which contained samples of Lily and Anna's favourite products which were in very generous sample sizes. Lest, I forget, I also took a sneaky photo of the famous Kiehl's Mr Bones..Hahaha, he didn't catch me though!!

It was a really nice outing for me especially after work and fro my first meetup, I think it was amazing and I am definitely looking forward to attending more meetups/blogger events. I hope you have enjoyed this post despite the picture quality but more posts are on their way with better quality..see you in my next post..toodles..xx..
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