Hi Lovelies,
I hope everyone has had a nice week so far. I have been looking forward to the long Easter weekend for so long now and it is almost here..:-}
Today, I am featuring my favorite{ and may I add my only} MAC lipsticks. I have never been able to justify spending 13 -14 pounds on a lipstick maybe it is because i am not really a fan of lip products. Having said that, I think I am getting into the flow of loving Lipsticks. I love MAC lipsticks because they are very pigmented and come in a variety of shades that suit my skin tone.
Generally, I am a big lover of MAC makeup especially their foundations, concealers and powders because I think they are very good quality and excellent value for money. Through Youtube, I found out you could return 6{six} empty MAC products and get a free lipstick of your choice. I quickly ransacked my room searching frantically for all my empties and went as far as asking my cousin and sister for theirs{hahhaha}.
I was lucky enough to get six empty products and I got a free lipstick and there has been no looking back since then. Note, not all empty products are eligible, I think only empties which can be recycled are eligible. If in doubt, you can check the outer package of your MAC product when you buy it. It is called " Back to MAC" and it should be inscribed on the outer packaging like so:

Altogether, I have got three free Lipsticks which I think is quite good. I was very careful to choose the lipsticks I really really wanted for a long while. The first one I got was Girl About Town, followed by the popular Ruby Woo and lastly Hug Me.
Ruby Woo is a Matte Bright Red Lipstick which suits almost any skin tone provided you line your lips properly and apply it either lightly or heavily depending on what look you are going for. It is definitely one of my favorite lipsticks and I believe it is one of the most popular lipsticks from MAC
Girl About Town is an amplified lipstick which implies it is very pigmented and very little goes a long way. It is a fuschia pink lipstick and it is a creme finish so it is quite glossy and creamy on the lips. It could appear purple in pictures when you wear it but I absolutely love it and i apply it really lightly with a pink or purple lip liner.
Hug Me is definitely my best lipstick out of the lot and you can tell from the pictures because it is almost finished. I LOVE this lipstick so much. It is a fleshy pink nude lipstick if that makes any sense. It has some lustre in it and it is perfect on its own without any need for any lipgloss except you want to go the extra mile. This is my go -to lipstick and I wear this to work almost everyday because I feel it looks very professional yet sexy..xx
I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what lipstick is your favorite?